South Daytona |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 5-314. Definitions—Green building program.
The following words terms and phrases when used in this chapter shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
ASH RAE: Acronym for the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers.
ASH RAE 90.1 Appendix G: The standard developed by the American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers ASH RAE to provide specific guidance on the rules and procedures used to simulate building energy use when the objective is to substantially exceed the requirements of ASH RAE Standard 90.1 "Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low Rise Residential Structures".
City: City of South Daytona.
City council: City Council of the City of South Daytona, Florida.
Conservation subdivision: A residential development where a portion of the developable land is designated as undivided permanent open space, which is permanently protecting agriculturally environmentally or historically significant areas within the parcel. The remaining developable land is subdivided into buildable lots while allowing for the maximum number of residences under current community zoning and subdivision regulations.
Conserve Florida: Name of a statewide water conservation effort by water management districts and Florida DEP to develop and implement an accountable and measurable program to allow public water supply utilities to tailor cost effective conservation programs to reflect their individual circumstances to achieve greater water use of efficiency.
Construction: Any project associated with the creation, development, or erection of any building eligible for the program.
Current: The standard in place at the time a program participant submits a project application form with the jurisdiction.
ECHO: Acronym which stands for the Volusia County Environmental Cultural Historic and Outdoor grant program.
FBC: Florida building code.
Energy Star: A joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Department of Energy to encourage use of energy efficient products and practices. Qualified projects may receive Energy Star certification.
FGBC: An acronym for the Florida Green Building Coalition Inc., a Florida 501 (c)3 not-for-profit corporation, whose mission is to establish and maintain a Florida system of statewide green building standards and third party certification programs with environmental and economic benefits.
FGBC local government designation: A designation given by FGBC to a city or county that achieves the requirement of their local government rating system that examines environmental best practices for all local government functions. Levels of gold, silver, bronze, and certified can be achieved.
Federal tax credit for energy efficient homes: Refers to the tax credit recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service for the construction of a home.
Federal tax credit for solar energy systems: Refers to the tax credit recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service for the installation of qualified residential solar water heating or photovoltaic systems.
Florida friendly landscaping: Nine (9) principles to guide Florida Yard and Neighborhood programs. The nine (9) principles are to locate the right plant in the right place, water efficiently, fertilize appropriately, mulch, attract wildlife, manage pests responsibly, recycle, reduce stormwater runoff and protect the waterfront.
Florida Green Lodging: A program by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to designate lodging establishments as "green" for following environmentally sensitive operating procedures.
Florida Solar Energy System Incentives Program: A program of state law providing for rebates for the installation of qualified solar energy systems codified at F.S. § 377.806.
Florida Water Star Program: A third-party certification program offered by water management districts to encourage water efficiency in household appliances, plumbing fixtures, irrigation systems and landscapes.
Florida Yard and Neighborhoods: A University of Florida Extension Service Program that encourages homeowners and professionals to create and maintain Florida friendly landscapes that protect the natural environment for future generations.
GBI: Acronym for the Green Building Initiative, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to accelerate the adoption of building practices that result in energy efficient, healthier, and environmentally sustainable buildings by promoting credible and practical green building approaches for residential and commercial construction.
GHDS: An acronym for the Green Home Designation Standard of the Florida Green Building Coalition, Inc.
Green architecture: A building and structure design philosophy that aims at minimal use of nonrenewable and/or polluting materials and resources in the construction and use of an energy efficient facility.
Green building: A designation given to buildings that have achieved the requirements of the green building rating system defined in this green building program.
Green building program: The program outlined in this article for obtaining incentives for green buildings and developments.
Green development: A development approach that goes beyond conventional development practice by integrating the following elements: sustainability, environmental responsiveness, resource efficiency, sensitivity to existing culture and community.
HERS Index: The Home Energy Rating System Index used as part of Florida's Home Energy Rating System in which a home with a HERS Index of one hundred (100) represents the energy use of the American Standard Home and an index of zero (0) indicates that the rated home uses no net purchased energy.
IBHS (Institute for Business and Home Safety): An insurance and reinsurance organization whose mission is to reduce the social and economic effects of natural disasters and other property losses by conducting research and advocating improved construction, maintenance and preparation practices.
LEED: The leadership in energy and environmental design rating system of the U.S. Green Building Council.
Mixed-use building: A building that contains two (2) or more of the following uses residential, retail, hotel, and office.
Mixed-use center: A development that contains two (2) or more of the following uses: residential, retail, office, institutional, warehouse/storage and hotel.
Private: Property not owned by a jurisdiction.
Program: The city's green building program.
Program certification: The final designation awarded to a program participant for satisfying all requirements associated with the program for a particular project.
Program participant: Any person or entity seeking program certification for a particular project.
Project: Any construction associated with the creation, development, or erection of any building eligible for the program.
Project application form: The form submitted to the jurisdiction indicating that a program participant is interested in participating in the program for a particular project.
Subprogram: Any area of construction covered by the program.
Sustainable construction: The process of environmentally sensitive resource efficient site selection, preparation, design, construction and operation of buildings.
Unit: A residence permitted according to the Florida Building Code.
USGBC: An acronym for the United States Green Building Council a nonprofit organization whose mission is to transform the way buildings and communities are designed, built and operated, enabling an environmentally and socially responsible, healthy and prosperous environment that improves the quality of life.
(Ord. No. 09-09, § I, 6-9-09)