§ 5-315. Purpose and intent.  

Latest version.
  • The purpose is to establish goals, programs and procedures that will help the jurisdiction become a more sustainable community. This program shall establish new environmental goals for the jurisdiction, define a certification based "green building" program with incentives and define new measurement parameters and reporting criteria to track the jurisdiction's performance towards its environmental goals. This program will promote economic and environmental health in the jurisdiction through the design construction operations and deconstruction of its own facilities and provide leadership to both the private and public sectors in the arena of green building practices including resource efficiency and disaster mitigation. The goals of the South Daytona Green Building Program are:


    Promote a sustainable future that meets today's needs of a stable, diverse and equitable economy without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs by:


    Protecting the quality of the air, water, land, and other natural resources.


    Conserving native vegetation, fish, wildlife habitat, and other ecosystems.


    Minimizing human impacts on local and worldwide ecosystems; and


    Reducing green house gas emissions.


    Become a leader in setting policies and practicing service delivery innovations that promote environmental sustainability.


    Create a sustainable jurisdiction by delivering renewable energy and energy efficiency projects, alternatively fueled vehicles, developing green buildings and water thrifty landscapes, resource education, and utilizing recycling and environmentally sound solid waste services.


    Establish a green building program to:


    Improve the economic and environmental health of the jurisdiction through measurable objectives.


    Track and analyze key indices to measure performance.


    Commit the jurisdiction to achieve green designations.


    Provide incentives for voluntary compliance; and


    Provide green building educational opportunities for the community.

(Ord. No. 09-09, § I, 6-9-09)