§ 7.05. Accountability to city council; noninterference by council.  

Latest version.
  • The city manager shall be accountable directly to the city council for the proper discharge of the duties of his office and for all actions taken or performed by him and by all city employees under his supervision or control. In order to maintain the concept of such accountability and to preserve the integrity of the office of city manager, neither the city council nor any of its members shall attempt to direct any city employee under the supervision or control of the city manager to take any action or condone to be done anything that will interfere with or impair the authority of the city manager with respect to such employee or with respect to the employment or dismissal of such employee; provided that the city council shall have the right at any time to discuss with the city manager any matter relating to the performance of the duties of his office, including the performance of and other matters relating to city employees under his supervision or control and to express opinions and make recommendations concerning the same.