§ 5-281. Inspection of coastal buildings; order to repair; lien placed on structure repaired by city.  

Latest version.
  • It shall be the duty of the city manager, or his designate, to periodically inspect the existence and condition of all seawalls, bulkheads, docks, piles, piling, tie poles or other structures above or in the waters within the city. The city manager may require a comprehensive inspection by a licensed professional coastal engineer, if he deems it necessary, with the cost of said inspection being the responsibility of the owner. Should he find any of the same or any portion thereof to be hazardous to the public for safe pedestrian, boating or swimming purposes, the city manager shall thereupon order the removal or repair thereof in the name of the city, by the owner of such structure so condemned, or persons having jurisdiction thereover, within thirty (30) days; failure or neglect so to remove or repair such structure shall constitute a violation of this article, and thereafter the structure shall constitute a violation of this article, and thereafter the city may remove or repair the same and the cost shall be deemed a lien against the land to which such structure is appurtenant.

(Ord. No. 86-7, § 1(5-295), 4-8-86)