§ 5-8. Height of hedges in residential areas.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Limited. No hedge in a residential area shall be permitted to exceed the height of four (4) feet along the front property line of the building. The maximum height of such fences along the lateral property lines of the building to the rear property line and along the rear property line shall be six (6) feet.


    Trimming by city. If any person permits a hedge to grow or exist in violation of this section, the owner of the property shall be given ten (10) days notice in writing by registered mail to trim said hedge down to the permitted height. If he fails to comply with said notice, the city may trim the hedge down to the prescribed height and the costs thereof shall be taxed against the owner of the property and said amount shall become a lien against the property.

(Code 1966, § 7-16; Ord. No. 82-28, § 1, 9-14-82)