§ 2-304. Notices.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    All notices required by this article shall be provided to the alleged violator by certified mail, return receipt requested, to the address listed in the tax assessors office for tax notices, or by hand delivery by the sheriff or other law enforcement officer, or code enforcement officer, or by leaving the notice at the violator's usual place of residence with any person residing therein who is above fifteen (15) years of age and informing such person of the contents of the notice. In the case of commercial property, the notice may be provided to the manager or other person in charge. Further, in the event notice is provided by certified mail, return receipt requested, and acceptance of such notice is refused, is returned to the city or is not signed as received within thirty (30) days from the postmarked date of mailing, the city may provide the notice as provided in subsection (b)(2) below.


    In addition to providing notice as set forth in subsection (a) notice may also be served by publication or posting, as follows:


    Such notice shall be published once during each week for four (4) consecutive weeks (four (4) publications being sufficient) in a newspaper of general circulation in Volusia County. The newspaper shall meet such requirements as are prescribed under F.S. Ch. 50, for legal and official advertisements. Proof of publication shall be made as provided in F.S. §§ 50.041 and 50.051.


    In lieu of publication as described in paragraph (b)(1), such notice may be posted for at least ten (10) days in at least two (2) locations, one (1) of which shall be the property upon which the violation is alleged to exist and the other of which shall be at City Hall. Proof of posting shall be by affidavit of the person posting the notice, which affidavit shall include a copy of the notice posted and the date and places of its posting.


    Notice by publication or posting may run concurrently with, or may follow, an attempt or attempts to provide notice by hand delivery or by mail as required under subsection (a). Evidence that an attempt has been made to hand deliver or mail notice as provided in subsection (a), together with proof of publication or posting as provided in subsection (b), shall be sufficient to show that the notice requirements of this article have been met, without regard to whether or not the alleged violator actually received such notice.


    The provisions of this section shall not apply to the enforcement, pursuant to F.S. §§ 553.79 and 553.80, as amended from time to time, of the building codes adopted pursuant to F.S. § 553.73, as they apply to construction, provided that a building permit is either not required or has been issued. For purposes of this section, "building codes" means only those codes adopted pursuant to F.S. § 553.73.

(Ord. No. 03-37, § 1, 1-13-04; Ord. No. 17-05 , § 1, 6-13-17)