§ 20-116. Special rates.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    A surcharge shall be imposed upon customers discharging abnormal strength wastes. The term "abnormal strength wastes" as used herein shall refer to the degree of concentration of permissible waste material per unit volume of sewage discharge by the customer. Abnormally high-strength waste shall be waste containing a BOD above three hundred (300) mg/l and/or suspended solids above three hundred (300) mg/l and/or a COD above four hundred (400) mg/l.


    Surcharge for high-strength wastes:


    A surcharge will be imposed where the wastes from any lot or parcel of land upon which there is located any institutional, commercial, or industrial plant building or premises containing an abnormally high BOD and/or suspended solids concentration and/or COD as defined in section 48-58(a).


    Computation: Said surcharge in dollars shall be computed by the director, or his designated agent, using the following formulas:

    Surcharge for BOD = (Q) (8.34) (BOD -300) (.9) (SF BOD)

    Surcharge for suspended solids = (Q) (8.34) (SS -300) (.9) (SF SS)

    Surcharge for COD = (Q) (8.34) (COD -400) (.9) (SF COD)



    Q = The metered water used during the billing period in millions of gallons, divided by the number of days in that billing period.


    SF = Surcharge factor.


    It is understood that if the value for (BOD -300), (SS -300), or (COD -400) is less than or equal to zero (0) that respective surcharge shall equal zero (0) also.


    Surcharge factors: The surcharge factors shall be derived annually by the following formulas using total figures for the preceding fiscal year:


    Surcharge factor for BOD = SF BOD = total operational cost of the sewage treatment plant divided by the total pounds of suspended solids removed.


    Surcharge factor for suspended solids = SF SD = total operational cost of the sewage treatment plant divided by the total pounds of suspended solids removed.


    Surcharge factor for COD = SF COD = total operational cost of the sewage treatment plant divided by the total pounds of COD removed.


    All users of the sewage system affected by the above-described surcharge shall be allowed ninety (90) days in which to comply with the provisions of this section.


    Nothing herein shall restrict the city from making additional adjustments in rates if it is felt by the public works director, or his authorized agent, that the nature or the quantity of this waste creates an additional burden on the system.

(Ord. No. 84-16, § 7, 7-24-84)