South Daytona |
Code of Ordinances |
§ 20-74. Waterline breaks; sewer line breaks or clogs; responsibility for repair.
In the event of any waterline break or sewer line break or clog, the following shall be the policy for the city:
All waterlines located on any public right-of-way or easement (when the line has been dedicated to the city) in the city, up to and including the water meter, are the sole responsibility of the city and shall be repaired at the city's expense.
Any waterline break from the hand valve located on the service side of the meter to the service address shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
All sewer lines located on any public right-of-way or easement (when the sewer line has been dedicated to the city), up to and including the sewer laterals and cleanout, if any, located at the property line, are the sole responsibility of the city and shall be repaired at the city's expense.
Any sewer line break or clog from the property line to the service address shall be the responsibility of the property owner.
In the event of a waterline break or sewer line break or clog and the city is called, and the break or clog is determined to be on the property owner's side, the property owner shall be billed fifteen dollars ($15.00) by the city for a service call, and the city shall not repair the break or clog but notify the owner of his responsibility.
In the event of a waterline break or sewer line break or clog and a plumber is called and break or clog is determined to be on the city's side, the city may elect to have the plumber repair the line or the city may perform the work; but, in any event, the city shall be responsible for paying the plumber's bill.
In the event that the city meter reader notices a water leak during the meter reading cycle, and the leak is on the property owner's side, the meter reader shall notify the property owner by posting a door hanger at the main entrance of the property. If the leak is on the city side, the meter reader shall notify the public works director of the leak.
(Ord. No. 86-22, § 1, 9-16-86)