§ 20-136. Intent and purpose.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    To protect the public drinking water supply of the City of South Daytona from the possibility of contamination by isolating the customer's internal distribution system to prevent backflow into the public water system; and,


    To provide for the elimination or control of existing cross connections, actual or potential, between the customer's water system, plumbing fixtures, irrigation and industrial piping systems; and,


    To provide for the maintenance of a continuing program of cross connection control that will systematically and effectively prevent the contamination or pollution of all drinking water systems by:


    Educating the public concerning the hazards associated with cross connections.


    Discovering and controlling cross connections through a program of inspections, installation of appropriate control devices and testing of these devices as well as training field personnel to identify cross connections during routine work schedules.


    Requiring at a minimum, control devices be installed at the property line of each customer served by reuse water and at those specific facilities with conditions referenced in section 20-139B.


    The following Statement of Policy on Water Supply Matters adopted by the American Water Works Association (AWWA) is supported by the City of South Daytona and hereby incorporated into this plan:

    "The American Water Works Association recognizes that the Water Purveyor has a responsibility to provide its customers at the service connection with water that is safe under all foreseeable circumstances. Thus, in the exercise of this responsibility, the Water Purveyor must take reasonable precautions to protect the community distribution system from hazards originating on the premises of its Customers that may degrade the water in the community distribution system.

    "Cross connection control and plumbing inspections on premises of water Customers are regulatory in nature and should be handled through the rules, regulations and recommendations of the health authority and the plumbing code enforcement agencies having jurisdiction. The Water Purveyor, however, should be aware of any situation requiring inspections and/or re-inspection necessary to detect hazardous conditions resulting from cross connections. If, in the opinion of the Utility, effective measures consistent with the degree of hazard have not been taken by the regulatory agency, the Water Purveyor should take such measures as they may deem necessary to ensure that the community distribution system is protected from contamination. Such action would include the installation of a backflow prevention assembly, consistent with the degree of hazard at the service connection or discontinuance of the service.

    "In addition, customer use of water from the community distribution system for cooling or other purposes within the customer's system and later return of the water to the community distribution system is not acceptable and is opposed by the AWWA."

(Ord. No. 15-08 , § 1(Exh. A), 9-22-15)