§ 10.5-16. Organization.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    There is hereby created the South Daytona Consolidated Park and Recreation Board (herein referred to as the "board"). The board shall consist of seven (7) members and two (2) alternate members who shall be residents of South Daytona and who shall be appointed by the city council. Alternate members shall act in the temporary absence or disability of a board member or when a seat is vacated until such time as the city council appoints a permanent replacement. Board members may be appointed for successive terms without limitation.


    The initial appointments to the board shall be as follows:


    Two (2) members appointed for a term of one (1) year each.


    Three (3) members appointed for a term of two (2) years each.


    Two (2) members appointed for a term of three (3) years each. Thereafter, all appointments shall be made for a term of three (3) years.


    Alternate members shall serve a term of one (1) year.


    A member shall immediately forfeit appointment if (s)he:


    Lacks at any time during his/her term of appointment, any qualifications of the appointment as prescribed by Charter or law; or


    Violates any express prohibition of the Charter or law; or


    Is convicted of a felony, or misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; or


    Has unexcused absences for two (2) successive meetings; or three (3) unexcused absences within a twelve-month period; or requires more than three (3) excused absences within a twelve-month period.


    Appointments to fill any vacancy on the board shall be for a remainder of the unexpired term of office. The members shall serve in accordance with the ordinances of the city. All board members serve at the pleasure of the city council and may be removed without cause.


    The board members shall elect a chairperson. The presence of four (4) or more members shall constitute a quorum of the board. Members shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for such travel, mileage, and per diem expenses as may be authorized by the city council or as are otherwise provided by law.

(Ord. No. 83-27, § 1, 11-22-83; Ord. No. 91-01, § 2, 1-22-91; Ord. No. 91-19, § 1, 12-10-91; Ord. No. 08-02, § 3, 2-26-08; Ord. No. 15-02 , § 1, 2-24-2015)